Adult ADHD

At ADHD Clinic, we also provide effective ADHD solutions for adults. Symptoms may be more difficult to define in older patients, but we take everything into account as we deliver expert ADHD assessments and related services. While ADHD is a developmental disorder, childhood symptoms often persist into people’s adolescence and adulthood. Get in touch today to discuss your needs.

Moving from Childhood to Adulthood

Did you know that an estimated 15% of people diagnosed with ADHD as children may continue to experience related problems and conditions, such as depression and dyslexia, by the age of 25? Furthermore, 65% of patients still have symptoms that affect their daily lives as adults.

We have listed common symptoms in children and teenagers on our Child ADHD page, but these affect adults in different ways. For example, hyperactivity tends to decrease in adults, whereas inattentiveness tends to get worse as the pressure of adult life increases. Furthermore, adult symptoms are usually more subtle and harder to detect than childhood symptoms.


Key symptoms of ADHD in adults may include:

Carelessness and Lack of Attention to Detail

Continually Starting New Tasks before Finishing Old Ones

Poor Organisational Skills

Inability to Focus or Prioritise

Continually Losing or Misplacing Things


Restlessness and Edginess

Difficulty Keeping Quiet and Speaking out of Turn

Blurting out Responses and Often Interrupting Others

Mood Swings, Irritability, and a Quick Temper

Inability to Deal with Stress

Extreme Impatience

Taking Risks with Little Regard for Safety i.e. Driving Dangerously

Additional Problems

As with ADHD in children and teenagers, ADHD can occur in adults alongside several related problems or conditions. These include:

Personality Disorders: These are conditions in which an individual differs significantly from an average person, in terms of how they think, perceive, feel, or relate to others.

Bipolar Disorder: Bipolar is a condition that affects your moods, which can swing from one extreme to another.

OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder): This is a condition that causes obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviour.

There are several further behavioural problems associated with ADHD, such as:

Difficulties with Relationships

Difficulties with Social Interaction

Drug Use


Difficulties with Finding and/or Keeping a Job

Ready to Speak with Our Team?

Experienced in ADHD assessments, our clinicians provide services for adults of all ages.