Childhood ADHD

Count on ADHD Clinic to provide expert ADHD assessment, diagnosis, and treatment services for children and young people. ADHD is a common disorder caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, making children inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive. This disorder can also persist in later life and become Adult ADHD. Get in touch today to book an assessment for your child.

What Are the Signs?

Parents and guardians usually become aware that their child might have ADHD when they get complaints about their child’s disruptive behaviour from nursery or school. Children with ADHD have difficulty concentrating, which makes them easily distractible. They’re also on the go most of the time, jumping from one activity to another.

Sometimes, these children can concentrate well on activities of interest with immediate gratification, like playing video games, but find it very difficult to focus on activities where the reward is delayed, like school work or homework.

ADHD is a complex disorder, and every child presents differently with regard to severity and symptoms. Some children show predominantly inattentive symptoms, and some show impulsive or hyperactive symptoms, while others have both.

Problems range from major behavioural issues, including oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conduct disorder (CD), to a general lack of attention and distractibility with no underlying behaviour issues.

Common Problems

Children with ADHD often have other issues and problems, such as:

Autism: This is a disorder of social communication and interaction.

Dyspraxia: This usually means difficulty in activities requiring coordination and movements.

Difficulty with Controlling Their Emotions: The child expresses their feelings in the form of anger and aggressive outbursts.

Learning Difficulties

ADHD is treatable but these associated issues are more complex and challenging. These problems can also be socially detrimental, which can be depressing for both the child and their parents. With the help of our experienced clinicians, we can identify the extent of the disorder, present our diagnosis, and recommend treatment and management strategies.


The symptoms of child ADHD can be categorised into two types of behavioural problems: Inattentiveness or Hyperactivity and Impulsiveness. Most people with ADHD have crossover in both categories but this isn’t always the case.

For example, people who have problems with inattentiveness but not hyperactivity or impulsiveness may have a form of the disorder known as attention deficit disorder (ADD), which can sometimes go unnoticed because the symptoms are less obvious.

Listed below, the symptoms of ADHD in children and teenagers are well defined, and usually noticeable before the age of six. Whether they occur at home or school, these symptoms may cause significant problems in a child’s life, including underachievement at school, poor social interaction with other children and adults, and general problems with discipline.


Short Attention Span, or Being Easily Distracted

Making Careless Mistakes, e.g., in Schoolwork


Continually Losing or Misplacing Things

Trouble Concentrating on Tasks That Are Tedious or Time-Consuming

Inability to Listen to or Carry out Instructions

Constantly Changing Activity or Task

Having Difficulty Organising Tasks

Hyperactivity and Impulsiveness

Inability to Sit Still, Especially in Calm or Quiet Surroundings

Constant Fidgeting

Inability to Concentrate on Tasks

Excessive Physical Movement

Excessive Talking

Extreme Impatience

Acting without Thinking

Interrupting Conversations

Little or No Sense of Danger

Interested in Our Services?

We provide ADHD assessments, diagnoses, and prescriptions for children.